Alright, Fine, I'm Really Into Voice Notes Now

Alright, Fine, I'm Really Into Voice Notes Now

The “ums” and “you knows” and the pauses and the laughter.

A picture I took onstage at Otterbein University last night

I used to tease my buddy Isaac for sending so many voice notes to our group-text. Okay, I still tease him. But I have to admit that I’ve come around on voice notes and absolutely love them now. Sometimes you just need to hear someone’s voice, ya know? The “ums” and “you knows” and the pauses and the laughter. Whew, the laughter. That’s all seasoning, baby. That’s love.

Well, in the spirit of that love, here’s a voice note for y’all about what I learned (or maybe just remembered) while doing an in-person book event at Otterbein University with my friend Maggie Smith. She read poems from her most recent collection Goldernrod. And I read some new poems about Little Richard, Whitney Houston, the apocalypse and nightclubs. And then we sat on a cozy couch and talked about our work, friendship and why young people are usually the most reasonable people in the room.

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Also, as autumn has become my favorite season, I’ve been taking a lot of pictures of trees and leaves and their transitions here in Ohio. Change is literally in the air and I love that for us. Here are some pics I took last night on the way to the event.

Life itself as a creative process.